I'm back from a long weekend in Central New York, the first night in the beautiful village of Skaneateles, a few miles from where I grew up.  Clift Park is full of flags, each one dedicated to a veteran by family and friends, sharing their gratitude with everyone around. 

Community shows up in so many ways.  My morning walk was full of Good Mornings, even one from the two women running on the other side street as me.  They shouted it over to me and it felt like getting a little package of friendliness.  I love greeting people in the street and am so happy it's still a part of daily life every place you go in central NY. 

The older I get, the harder and harder I find it to make the drive back to DC, and I don't mean the drive literally.  Someday I won't get back in the car - probably about 6 years from now :)   In the meantime, I need to remember to "love the one you're with" and keep saying hi to people here in the big city.  Maybe I'll even call it out from across the street.


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