The family and I loaded up and headed for the hills of Tennessee this past weekend for my children's Fall Break. We had a blast and got in touch with our inner redneck as we rode go-karts, played mini-golf and yes, even went to Dollywood. We also got to soak up nature and see the beauty that is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 
Looks like I have short hair here but it's just stuck in my jacket. 
The bounty that is my children. After about the third shot in front of a random harvest display, they were totally over it.
Pierce fishing out a lost ball at mini golf. My husband and I were scratching our heads at his manic behavior on the course until we realized he had just inhaled a bunch of sugar at one of the tourist traps. Forgive his red and green outfit that is more fitting for Christmas. This is what happens when headstrong 5-year-olds dress themselves. He also insisted on wearing the same shirt with different flannel plaid pants two days in a row - stains and all!

And now for my husband's artistic shots . . .
I think this is my favorite. There was an abandoned old barn near the cabin we stayed in and this tractor was inside.
The side of the barn. I just loved the crooked door. Reminded me of the old nursery rhyme, "There was a crooked man . . ."
Original yard art.
Not even sure what this is but I loved the juxtaposition against the green glass of the Coca Cola bottles.

It was a long weekend . . . 

And what awaited us at home. . . 
Happy Fall!


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